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Southern Utah’s BEST TATTOO ARTISTS Revealed!

It’s not the 1950’s anymore… People like to get tattooed! However, it can be a scary process: IT’S ON YOUR BODY FOREVER! How do you know who to go to? Do you choose someone that specializes in something specific or do you go with someone that has done art on a friend of yours? If you’re in the spot where you’re looking for a LOCAL Tattoo Artist, but you don’t know who to go to, refer to this post.


Jasen Workman – Humble Bee Studios:
Beki Sutton
Beki Sutton

AishaKayTattoos – Instagram:

Stevie Budge
Stevie Budge
Stevie Budge

Chris Little – Little Savage Tattoo:

Kevin Cline
Kevin Cline
Sergio Flores
Sergio Flores
Stephen Trujillo
Stephen Trujillo
Sara Bizarro
Sara BizarroMedusas Aesthetics:

Sydney Andrews
Sydney Andrews

Kian Christian Kupfer:

Trevor Dobson
Trevor Dobson
Kolby – Modern Art Studio – HawksTattoo_:
HawksTattoo_ - Instagram
HawksTattoo_ – InstagramAbrahm Thompson – Garrison Tattoo:

Brianne Navarette

Brianne Navarette
Brianne Navarette

Matt Pehrson – Zion Tattoo:

Syd Bowers
Syd Bowers

Owen Black – 27 Tattoo:

Tabitha Carter
Tabitha Carter

TattoosByBrooklynn – Instagram:
Tamara Reynolds
Tamara Reynolds

Rollen Poole:

Kadan Randall
Kadan Randall

Ryan – Two Ravens:

Alanna Carbonaro
Alanna Carbonaro
Michael Roberts – Cedar TattooCo.:


Sage Thompson – Garrison Tattoo:

Mackenzie Peterson
Mackenzie Peterson
Matt Barnum
Matt Barnum
Sammy B – Modern Arts Studio:
Mason Ford
Mason Ford
Has this inspired you to get some tattoo work done? Have you picked your favorites? Find them online! Google them, Instagram them, do whatever you have to do to get a hold of them, but we have some AMAZING local artists in Southern Utah. You don’t have to leave the area or the state to find an artist that can bring your idea to a beautiful reality on your skin! Is there someone we forgot to add?! Make sure you leave us a comment on who should be added to our list!
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The tatted goose should be added.

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