Southern Utah has become a HOT SPOT for people to move to, and we’ve definitely met a ton of people lately that have moved here. It’s always a little funny to see the CULTURE SHOCK that people encounter when moving here! They can’t believe we don’t have a Trader Joe’s, or they just flat out pronounce places wrong. It always makes us laugh a little.
Here are the 12 ways to tell that someone is DEFINITELY NOT from Southern Utah:
They dip their fries in Ketchup:
Blasphemy! You’re halfway there… Mix a little mayo in that, you sinner!
“ZIONS”… Enough Said
Two things to unpack here… First it’s ZION, and second it’s ZY-IN not ZY-ON!
They try to buy alcohol on Sunday

Rookie mistake. If you want a drink in Utah on Sunday, you better have stocked up on Saturday… also, good luck finding alcohol at Walmart, you have to get there REAL EARLY in the morning… or it’s all gone. *Insert Smirk*
They pronounce “Hurricane” like the natural disaster
It’s HURR-uh-kin, okay? Don’t get fancy with us.
They think 90 degrees is “hot”

Wait until it’s 116°F in July, pal. Then we’ll talk about hot. 90 degrees is sweatshirt weather in these parts!
They cry about it raining for 5 minutes
“I moved here because it doesn’t rain!” Chill. It’ll stop in a few minutes, and won’t return again for 6 months.
They actually use their turn signals
WITCHCRAFT! WHY IS THAT LIGHT BLINKING?! We live by the motto “If you’re turning… Just pray and go!”
They think the Great Salt Lake is a place to swim
Yeah, good luck with that. It’s more like the Great Salt Float… if you’re brave.
They think “Church” is just a Sunday thing
Around here, it’s more like a lifestyle. You’ll be hearing about ward parties, missionaries, mutual, and temple trips all week long.
They can’t handle the lack of nightclubs

Nope, but we have dance parties in barns! Shout out Staheli Family Farm!
They don’t bring a casserole to a potluck
Whoa, hold on there. You didn’t bring a casserole? Do you even belong here?
They’re surprised by how many kids people have

Yup, those minivans aren’t just for show. We believe in “go big or go home” when it comes to family size. We’re the youngest state in the nation for a reason!
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